刘益能,博士,博鱼体育登录副教授,研究生导师,主要从事人工智能电磁散射、微纳光电与电磁超材料、光电子器件、手性光子学与芯片设计等方向的研究。2014年毕业于北京师范大学,获理学博士学位,北京市优秀毕业生。2016年获博鱼体育登录第11届青年教师教学技能比赛二等奖。2017-2018年获国家留学基金委全额资助,公派赴英国University of Birmingham、香港科技大学,从事访问学者研究工作。近年来主持了国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金等多项科研项目的研究工作,已在Nature Communications、eLight、Advanced Optical Materials、Photonics Research、ACS Photonics、Physics Review Applied等国际重要学术刊物上发表系列高水平论文。
北京师范大学 理学博士
英国伯明翰大学 访问学者
香港科技大学 访问学者
1.基于变换光学的极化激元调控及应用研究, 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目, 2024.01 – 2026.12,参与(第一)
4.曲面上的极化激元调控研究, 博鱼体育登录校长基金项目,2023.05-2023.12,主持
[1] Qilin Duan, Yali Zeng, Yuhang Yin, Jinying Xu, Zhining Chen, Zhanlei Hao, Huanyang Chen, and Yineng Liu*, Photonic crystal slabs with maximal chiroptical response empowered by bound states in the continuum, Photonics Research 2023, 11, 1919.
[2]Yineng Liu, Jinying Xu, Shiyi Xiao, Xianzhong Chen, and Jensen Li*, Metasurface Approach to External Cloak and Designer Cavities, ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 1749.
[3] Xiao Li, Yineng Liu, Zhifang Lin, Jack Ng* & C. T. Chan,Non-Hermitian physics for optical manipulation uncovers inherent instability of large clusters. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 6597.
[4] Yali Zeng, Qilin Duan, Jinying Xu, Zhilin Yang, Huanyang Chen*, Yineng Liu*, Tunable circular conversion dichroism of single-layer twisted graphene-patterned metasurface, iScience 2023, 26, 106115.
[5] Yali Zeng, Jinying Xu, Wen Xiao, Zhilin Yang, Huanyang Chen*, Yineng Liu*, Giant 2D-chiroptical response in an achiral metasurface integrated with black phosphorus, Optics Express 2022, 30, 8266.
[6] Wei Chen, Yuyang Li, Yineng Liu, Yuan Gao, Yiming Yan, Zhaogang Dong, Jinfeng Zhu*, All-Dielectric SERS Metasurface with Strong Coupling Quasi-BIC Energized by Transformer-Based Deep Learning, Advanced Optical Materials 2023, 12, 2301679.
[7] Qingtao Ba, Yangyang Zhou, Jue Li, Wen Xiao, Longfang Ye, Yineng Liu, Jin?hui Chen* and Huanyang Chen*, Conformal optical black hole for cavity, eLight 2022, 2, 19.
[8] Yineng Liu and Xiangdong Zhang*, Spin-based resonant effect and focusing lens of light by dielectric nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters 2013,102, 141109.
[9] Yineng Liu and Xiangdong Zhang*, Spin-based second harmonic generation by metal nanoparticles, Physical Review A 2013,88, 063810.
[10] Yineng Liu, Rongyao Wang and Xiangdong Zhang*, Giant Molecule Circular Dichroism Enhancement and Chiroptical illusion by hybrid molecule-plasmonic nanostructures, Optics Express 2014, 22, 4357.
[11] Yineng Liu and Xiangdong Zhang*, Electromagnetic spin-orbit interaction and giant spin-Hall effect in dielectric particle clusters”, Physics Letters A 2013,377, 3187.
[12] Yineng Liu and Xiangdong Zhang*, Strong superchiral field in hot spots and its interaction with chiral molecules, Europhysics Letters 2015,110, 17008.
[13] Jinying Xu, Yineng Liu, K. S. Chan and Jensen Li*, Multiple One-Way Edge States From Reciprocal Continuous Media, Physics Review Applied 2019, 12, 064014.
[14] Zhanlei Hao, Yawen Zhuang, Ying Chen*, Yineng Liu*, and Huanyang Chen*,Effective Medium Theory of Checkboard Structures in the Long-Wavelength Limit, Chinese Optics Letters 2020, 18, 072401.
[15] Yao Qin, Jinying Xu, Yineng Liu*, and HuanyangChen, Multifrequency superscattering pattern shaping, Chinese Optics Letters 2021, 19, 123601.
[16] Qilin Duan?, Yineng Liu?, Shanshan Chang, Huanyang Chen*and Jin-hui Chen*, Surface Plasmonic Sensors: Sensing Mechanism and Recent Applications, Sensors 2021, 21, 5262.
[17] Bei Wu, Zhan-Lei Hao, Jin-Hui Chen, Qiao-Liang Bao, Yi-Neng Liu*, Huan-Yang Chen*, Total transmission from deep learning designs, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology 2022, 20, 100146.
[18] Weicong He, Shan Zhu, Chuanjie Hu, Zhanlei Hao, Yineng Liu* and Huan-Yang Chen*, Highly efficient wavefront control based on extremely anisotropic materials, Journal of Optics 2022,24, 075101.
[19] Zhanlei Hao, Yangyang Zhou, Bei Wu, Yineng Liu*, and Huanyang Chen*, Improving resolution of superlens based on solid immersion mechanism, Chinese Physics B 2023, 32, 064211.
[20] Xueying Liu, Yinong Xie, Jinlin Qiu, Wei Chen, Yineng Liu and Jinfeng Zhu*, Anisotropic honeycomb stack metamaterials of graphene for ultrawideband terahertz absorption, Nanophotonics 2023, 12, 4319.